If you are looking for something different, this is one of the best Anime films to come out in years. Its hand-drawn animation is stunningly beautiful, the main characters don’t feel like caricatures and the story is both funny and moving. This movie really felt like a breath of fresh air, and I can’t recommend it enough. Try and track it down, it is well worth it!
Rogue One
At first, I was going to give this one a pass. And then, I started to hear good things about it. Great thing about it, even. So, I grew curious, and went… Wow, what a treat. This will be my second favourite Star Wars movie, I am sure. Take note, George Lucas. This is how you make a prequel. Oh, and those last few frames were just the perfect ending.
The best movie of 2016. Don’t let yourself be discouraged even if you are not a fan of Science Fiction in general. This is about so much more than aliens. It’s not like anything you have seen before. It is touching, both tense and slow paced, a rare example of a big spectacle movie that will make you think long after the end credits roll. After Sicario and this, Denis Villeneuve is most definitely a director to watch for.
Ex Machina
This is not really a movie about Artificial Intelligence. It is more of a movie about what is Humanity. Intense, smart, scary, without a doubt one of the best movies of the year. Alicia Vikander is really becoming one of the finest actresses of her generation. Also features one of the creepiest dance scenes I have ever seen…
Maybe the time traveler’s paradox doesn’t entirely make sense here, but it would be a mistake to discard this very good Science Fiction movie for it. This is a thoroughly enjoyable and clever romp, and I have a feeling this Bruce Willis chap is going to be big…
Since we are in the middle of Oscar season, I finally caught up with the latest from Lars Von Trier. You can think what you want about the man and his Cannes antics, he does make great movies, and this may be one of his finest. Hats off to both Kirsten Durst and Charlotte Gainsbourg for some fantastic acting as well.
2001: A Space Odyssey
With The tree of life now in cinemas, there have been a lot of comparisons made with Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece, so it’s time to go back to the source. Yes, it has aged somehow, but not really in what truly matters. So if you haven’t seen it already, or if you were too young when you did, try it, and let’s sit down to discuss what it all means afterwards…
Twelve Monkeys
There are not many very good Science-Fiction movies out there, let alone ones that would appeal to a broader audience than the typical fans of the genre. This is one of them. From the acclaimed former Monty Python Terry Gilliam (I promise to talk about Brazil as well at a later stage), comes a visual and intellectual treat, which still remains fun and easy to watch. And now I can’t get this Astor Piazzolla tango out of my head…
We are literally just walking out of this movie. Wow. Maybe it is too early to talk about it, but I don’t care. This is unlike anything I have seen in a while. This is Cinema on a grand scale. This is breathtakingly intense. This is something that I am going to keep thinking about for a while. Superb story, great acting, amazing action sequences. Go and see it on the biggest screen that you can find.