I haven’t talked about any western recently. Although technically, this is a contemporary movie, not a western. Nah… Bank robberies? Brother outlaws? A grizzled old sheriff in pursuit? Shootouts? Who are we kidding… This is a western. And a very good one at that.
Django Unchained
It will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me and my love for both old westerns and Tarantino movies, that I really thoroughly enjoyed this one. A lot of silliness and over-the-top spaghetti action (blood, lots of blood!), plus another phenomenal performance from Christoph Waltz, this is pure fun to watch.
My Name Is Nobody
Sometimes, you are just in the mood for something silly. And sometimes, it is good to be able to watch a movie with the whole family. Although Once upon a time in the West by the same Sergio Leone is still my favourite Western (up there with High plains drifter or The man who shot Liberty Valance, all for very different reasons) this one just makes me laugh. Every time. And sometimes, this is all that you need.