Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

We finally finished reading the first Harry Potter book with Ella as her bedtime story this week, so Friday was a special movie night treat where she got to watch the movie for the first time. And my treat was to watch her watching it. She had the biggest smile on her face. I think this is going to be on heavy rotation in our house while we start to read the second volume every night…

One Reply to “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”

  1. Неllo!
    I aроlоgize for the overlу ѕрecіfіс message.
    Μy gіrlfrіend аnd Ι love еаch othеr. And wе аrе аll grеat.
    Вut… we nеed а mаn.
    Ԝe arе 27 yeаrs old, frоm Romаnia, we alsо know engliѕh.
    Wе nevеr gеt bоredǃ Αnd nоt оnly іn tаlk…
    Μу namе iѕ Саtherina, my рrоfіle іs hеrе: http://depakelansu.ga/item-36668/

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